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  • Writer's pictureCaleb Ross Byerly

Andrew and Kelly Chafin

We are thrilled to welcome the Chafin family to our team! Andrew and Kelly share a deep passion for evangelism and fostering community and are dedicated to realizing God’s vision for Evergreen Missions in Moravian Falls and the nations.

Andrew is overseeing various projects at Evergreen Farm, focusing on preparing the land for permanent structures and expanding operations. His background includes attending Lifestyle Christianity University, receiving ministry training at New Life Church in Augusta, Georgia, serving on multiple worship teams, and running a successful lawn care and landscaping business.

Kelly is contributing to the development of sustainable organizational systems and manages some of Evergreen’s creative projects. She holds a BA in Business Administration with a focus on International Development from Tyndale University in Toronto. Additionally, she has trained for prophetic ministry at Catch the Fire Toronto, worked in the film industry, and served in various roles at Ontario Pioneer Camp, including as camp director for over 13 years.

The Chafins are excited about what God is doing at Evergreen and are eager to be part of the team.

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