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Evergreen Missions is an international missions movement reaching the unreached and touching the untouchable with God’s redeeming love.


Evergreen’s approach to discipleship is to Abide, Equip and Send.


The Bible

​We believe that the Bible is complete truth and we desire that all will be able to have it in their own language.


God’s Voice and Leadership
We put God in the center of all we are. Nothing is decided without His mark of approval. His leadership is not just important but essential to our ministry, in fact, Evergreen Missions is not our ministry, it’s His.


God’s Presence
Intimacy with God is our life support. The heartbeat of all we do comes from His divine and manifest presence.


We believe the same commission Jesus gave His disciples still rests on us to fulfill until all have heard. We strive to see that happen, not out of our strength, but with His.


Current Day Miracles
Since Jesus still lives, He’s still at work in our day working miracles just as He did in the Bible.


Reaching the Unreached
There are still unreached, untouched places in the world who need a Savior and a King, those are the people and places we are called to go.


Creative Worship through Co-Partnering with the Creator
God is the Creator and we are made in His image, therefore we seek to unlock the creative DNA in each of us to explore the Heart of God and seek ways to bring His Kingdom into our world with innovation and creativity.


Relationship is Key
All of our ministry in the USA and nations is maintained and sourced by relationship with God and God’s family. We aren’t interested building something that is not fed by the river of relationship. 

We love God and love people. We desire that all of the ministry that comes from us is ever-green, fruitful and from the heart of God. 


Psalm 92:12-15

The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon.

They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God.

They still bear fruit in old age;
they are ever full of sap and green,

to declare that the Lord is upright;
he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.



Caleb and Gladys love Jesus and carry His love to people all around the world. Being based in Moravian Falls, NC, they intentionally raise their four kids and steward the work of the Lord in their region and their missions locations in other countries. Their mission is obtained by the flow of responding to God’s voice, maintaining Kingdom relationships and unlocking creative ideas from God. They focus on mentoring indigenous leaders, who go out to their own tribal communities to bring life through Christ Jesus. Their focus is to expand the Kingdom of God and set strong Biblical-based foundations for communities to grow for generations to come.



Noel Dalumatao

Noel and Christie serve on Evergreen Missions' team in the Philippines. Noel is a pastor of Tigbao Southern Baptist Church located Mindanao island and serves on Evergreen Missions' outreach team in Mindanao.


Richard Lanzanas

Richard and Cyndy serve on Evergreen Missions' team in the Philippines, specifically in the island of Mindanao. They oversee most of our pastors/leaders in various unreached areas and oversees the work on the Lord in Tinonanon tribal area.


Joshua Tiinga

Joshua and Tarawa Tiinga steward the work of the Lord in Kiribati. Joshua pastors an outreach on Tarawa island and also does missions in Fiji, Samoa and Tokelau.

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Walt and Carol Pilcher

Walt and Carol serve on Evergreen Missions' board of directors. With their rich history in loving Jesus and serving the body of Christ, they help assist Evergreen Missions' outreach around the world.


Michael Burden

Michael serves on Evergreen Missions' leadership team and has traveled to a number of countries with Caleb since 2010. He has a real passion for discipling indigenous people and raising up leaders in their own communities.


Cheryl Byerly

Cheryl Byerly serves on the Evergreen Missions' board of directors. She is also the financial administrator. Being Caleb's mother, she carries a mother's heart for the extended family of Evergreen Missions!

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