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  • Caleb Byerly

God's Voice In Our Lives

Hearing God’s voice is not just a gift that helps us along our journey through life. It’s essential to our walk with Jesus and it’s a sign of being mature in Christ.

I recently got a message from Jan from Florida who asked, “How can I hear God’s voice”. After reading her message I felt like I should write a few things that may help you along your journey in life in regards to hearing the voice of God. Now I’m not a “pro” at this, and no one is! I’m stepping on slippery ground to say that I hear the voice of God, the creator of all of the Earth and sky! But it’s true, I do, and I know many others who hear God’s voice too. I don’t always hear loud and clearly, but I do fervently wait on the Father to lead me into truth.

What it really comes down to is this, God created us, man-kind, in His likeness in order to establish relationship us. And the fact is that He, the Father, can relate with us. Without Jesus becoming a human, the Father, who is perfect in all His ways, would not be able to understand us because of the sin in the world. But because God became man we have full access to God’s divine nature. Without the Holy Spirit, we would not be able to be taught the fundamentals of relationship with God. All three persons of God working together to have relationship with you is the most beautiful orchastrated phenomenon that man's senses can grasp.

There are many ways that people hear God’s voice. I have only heard the audible voice of God once and it was when I was sleeping. A loud and clear voice woke me up 3 times in the middle of the night. That that was the only time. But I have heard God’s voice in other ways hundreds of times. I believe the Father wants to talk to you in a way that He talks to no one else. That’s how good He is! He loves you and wants to communicate to you the way the matches your DNA. Whether it’s a quiet whisper so no one else can hear, or a loud sign and wonder because one’s senses are so dull; He speaks more than we realize. We just have to recognize that He is speaking and lean into Him.

When a word comes to me, I try to be very intentional to him. I try to stop everything I am doing and focus on that word. If it’s a dream, I immediately write it down and meditate on it. I always go back and read my old journal entries in order to remind myself. Many times when I go back and read old journal entries, I have revelation of what God was speaking because I realize that it is prophetic to the season that I’m currently in.

One of the most core values in me is this, “Let me know God’s voice, and walk with Him.” I’m so driven on this value because I see throughout the Bible that the most victorious people were the ones who heard His calling and responded. That’s what I desire for continuously.

Hearing God’s voice is not enough. Jonah heard God’s command but what happened? He ran from it and went the opposite direction. Samual heard it and what did he do? He said, “Here I am.” To say “here I am” is a big deal. It means that all things in my life should be secondary to what He’s asking of us. His leading should be the utmost important objective to our lives. Secondly, our bodies and spirits should be yielded to that moment when He calls. We should have our feet waiting on the gas pedal for that moment when He says, “Go”. Our whole inner-most being should be in full expectation of His calling.

God could be speaking to you through the scriptures, a thought, a prophetic word, a dream, a feeling, a vision or a series of events. There are many ways. But the important thing is that God wants to have a relationship with you. He wants you to know Him and walk with Him. It’s very simple but not easy. It’s basic but it cost everything you have and everything you’ll ever gain. Hearing and doing the will of God costs your life. It takes transformation of the mind and will. It’s takes losing it all in order to gain it all.

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